Your new brand starts here.

Not with design—with an idea. An idea you already have. The curiosity that got you here is just the next step.

First, you need to know 3 things.

I'm ready to look at solutions.

Small teams need DIY branding.

A lot of brand design is pretty standardized these days. You get a logo, some pretty colors, new fonts, a brand guide for you to take home, maybe a little strategy/values page. Very profesh.

I can’t wait to post this! you think to yourself. You open up Canva and start making a graphic. You drop the logo in there, plug in the new color palette, type out ✨NEW BRAND✨ using the new font, add a cool picture from your brand guide, and… wow that looks terrible.

Wait, who decided to let you design anything? Oh that’s right: the people you just paid thousands of dollars to make your business look great.

So here’s the first thing you should know about me: I don’t trust you. You suck at design, just like I suck at basketball. It’s okay. That’s why I create hands-on design solutions that are made for non-designers. More on that later.

thing #1:

Design alone isn’t enough.

Design is important. This is obvious to most savvy professionals (like yourself), which is probably why you’re here. Getting your brand and logo designed is an important step toward developing your business. But there’s something crucial that no one really talks about at this stage in the process:

Content is more important.

Need proof? Well, you’re still reading this. Are you doing that because you think my logo looks awesome? Do you even remember what it looks like? Doubt it. 

Your business means something to you. You’re not certain if you need my services—I mean, I haven't even shown them to you yet—but I’ve said a few things that you probably haven’t heard before. Maybe there’s a solution here you haven’t considered. And that is worth your attention.

Design, on the other hand, is usually a vehicle for content. And like any vehicle, your mileage will vary greatly depending on who is behind the wheel, and whether or not they know how to drive.

Thing #2:

In an ideal world, you’d hire an entire creative team: a creative director, designer, copywriter, marketing specialist, content manager, project manager… maybe another designer. 

That’s really expensive. So instead, you hire Phoebe. Phoebe is a damn good designer, but she’s also a dynamic employee. She gets your business, and she knows your audience. She knows when something sounds off-brand. She’s a designer, but she looks beyond the visuals, and knows how to marry design with the bigger picture.

Small teams don’t need highly specialized big-ticket services. They don’t need award-winning websites. They need Phoebes: efficient solutions that see the bigger picture and can operate in multiple lanes, not just one.

This is what I do. Because it’s actually what you need. Creating a standalone brand or logo—no matter how incredible—isn't enough anymore, especially for small businesses. The digital ecosystem has evolved, and our approach to creative problem solving and content creation needs to evolve too.

Small teams need dynamic solutions.

Thing #3:


Get your business off the ground with a beautiful visual brand AND great content, with minimal effort on your end to execute and sustain.

Brand Care Package


Landing Page

Social Media Templates

Social Content Strategy

Fully custom, no-hassle Canva templates for social media. Post original content consistently, and effortlessly maintain a beautiful grid.

It all points here: a branded single-page website for your business to show off, change minds, win hearts, and create the outcomes you’re looking for. If you need a full website, let’s talk about it!

In addition to the custom templates, I’ll establish content buckets for you. This is how we dial in your messaging on social media, and start creating content that really speaks to people.


Visual Brand

Think of it this way: if your business was a person, the visual brand tells you how to dress, and the content script tells you what to say. These are essentials, and I offer them separately from the Brand Care Package for those in need of a leaner solution.

Think of it this way: if your business was a person, the visual brand tells you how to dress, and the content script tells you what to say. These are essentials, and I offer them separately from the Brand Care Package for those in need of a leaner solution.

Content Script

Brand Essentials

Brand Essentials



Get your business off the ground with a beautiful brand  AND great content, with minimal effort on your end to execute and sustain.

Brand Blueprint

Cost of the Blueprint will go towards your Brand Care Package.


Ready for the first step? This is it.

Creating great content requires a deep understanding of your brand and audience. This is where I get to know your business intimately, and ask you questions you’ve probably never even asked yourself. What we discover here will form the foundation of everything else that comes after.

This will change how you think about your business and your brand. You’ll receive a brief from me outlining everything we discussed, as well as my own insights and recommendations. We'll utilize these in creating your Brand Care Package, or... you can walk away, no obligations.

Be a

To kick things off, I’m offering all my services at half price. I’m doing this to thank my early supporters, as well as to build up some client projects that I can feature on this page. While I do have some past work to show off (below), I’d love to be able to give some clear examples of what outcomes of this process look like.

I’m only offering this rate to a very limited number of early clients, and I genuinely have no idea how long it will be available. This section is super easy to delete, and once it’s gone... well, no take-backsies.

Talking               help, though.



Studies have shown that talking to others helps us process our thoughts and feelings. So while you’re still mulling this over... talk to someone. Call your bestie. Get lunch with your business partner.

Or, you can even talk to me. No pressure, no selling, just answers. If you have questions about all this, then so do I. I want to find the right problems just as much as you want to find the right solutions.